The excellent Mantis Tour Comfort 16G tennis string usually retails for £12.50 per set. I usually charge a £12 stringing labour fee so this would normally be £24.50 in total for a tennis racquet restring. I am offering for a limited time in September only to string your tennis racquet with this string (in either red or black) for just £18! This is Mantis’s top of the range tennis string and £18 is £2 below my lowest usual tennis stringing price of £20. First come, first served (I know....terrible pun!).
Update!! Only 4 sets now available.............2 sets in black and 2 sets in red................. when they're gone they're gone!
If you can get a restring in this string at this price from anywhere else then please let me know as I believe I am at a rock bottom price with these.