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About Me

Hello, my name is Graham and I am a UKRSA (United Kingdom Racquet Stringers Association) stringer based in Haywards Heath, West Sussex.


As a badminton player for many years, I know only too well how difficult it can be to find someone who will string your racquets just as you want them. Sometimes, it is hard to find anyone who will string them at all! I decided that the best way to get my own personal racquets strung to my liking was to learn to do it myself and now I offer my stringing services to all racquet sports enthusiasts.


I will string all types of racquets and these are usually re-strung within 48 hours. I offer a choice of string types and will string your racquets to your individual requirements.


If  you require a particular brand/type of string not listed, I will be able to give  you a quote for it; however racquets will take longer than 48 hours due to delay in receiving special order strings.

I can offer advice regarding string tensions, or where no tension is requested I will string the racquet to the middle tension of the recommended range for your racquet.


If required, I can re-size your racquet handle to a larger size and also replace an existing grip or add an overgrip to the handle. When re-stringing a racquet, I will also check for broken grommets and replace these where necessary. If you have a racquet that has a head guard/bumper strips, such as a squash racquet, that need replacing, I can order and fit these for you and a quote can be given.


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